Easy Way to Access Google Docs Using the Chrome Browser

An easy way to access Google Docs is to use the Browser. Why use a browser? because Google Docs is a Cloud-based Office application. Cloud-based Google Docs application uses internet access through a browser. It will be more effective using the Chrome browser released by Google.

Google has released many applications. Starting from Office, Photos, browsers, and so on. Google released a browser application called "Chrome". Currently the Google Chrome browser is very popular and is used by many people to access the internet.

Google Docs is an office application released by Google. While the Chrome browser is also released by Google. Make sure to get maximum if you access Google Docs using the Chrome browser which is equally released by Google. Surely Google also has optimized to use Google Docs in the Google Chrome Browser.

How do I access Google Docs using the Chrome Browser?
To access Google Docs using the Chrome browser is very easy. The following below are the steps to access Google Docs through the Chrome browser. Maybe this method can also be used for other browsers like Microsoft Edge, Firefox, and so on.

1. For the first time open the Chrome browser application. If there isn't already, you can install it first.

2. access https://www.google.com/docs/about/ or https://docs.google.com/. Then the website page will appear.

3. Click on the "Go to google Docs" menu. Then it will be directed to the login page first. Login using Google email. If you don't already have one, the user must register first. To register for free.

4. After logging in, then immediately directed to the Google Docs main page. If you have entered the main Google Docs page, users can create new documents or edit documents.

Well, it seems quite simple and easy to access Google Docs. Until here the user can access Google Docs using the Google Chrome Browser.

Hopefully it can be useful for you. If there are questions or comments, can be written through the comments column below.